Improving readability and flow control in Python


Recently, a colleague and I refactored a piece of existing code that had new behavior added to it. During the process, we managed to improve the readability of the code using several techniques that I’ll describe below.

Where We Started

The original code was fairly simple: It decides whether certain “dead” components need to be “revived”, and presents the user with a prompt to choose from one of several actions. Depending on the user’s choice, the code then proceeds to take the appropriate action:

def revive_dead_components():
    choice = choose('"I see dead components..."\n'
       "Do you wish to (r)evive them, (c)ontinue without reviving, or (q)uit?",
       { "r": "revive", 
         "c": "continue", 
         "Q": "quit"}, 
       default = "quit")

    if choice == "revive":
    elif choice == "quit":
        raise TestCannotRunException("Dead components exist")
    elif choice == "continue":

Adding New Behavior

We now wanted to add some new functionality to the above code, namely the ability to allow the user to select a subset of the components that he wants to revive.

To make things more foolproof, in case the user chose to revive selected components but then neglected to select any components from the list, the code would not proceed blindly but rather send the user back to the menu so that he could try again.

The first version of the new code looked like this:

def revive_dead_components():
    while True:
        choice = choose('"I see dead components..."\n'
            "Do you wish to (r)evive them all, (s)elect components to revive, "
            "(c)ontinue without reviving, d(i)sable reviver, or (q)uit?",
            { "r": "revive",
              "s": "select", 
              "c": "continue", 
              "Q": "quit"},
            default = "quit")

        if choice == "revive":
        elif choice == "quit":
            raise TestCannotRunException("Dead components exist")
        elif choice == "continue":
        elif choice == "select":
            selected = show_menu("Which components would you like to revive?")
            if selected:
      "Nothing selected...")

To get the required behavior, we used an infinite while True loop that terminates with an explicit break when a valid choice is made by the user and reiterates otherwise. This ensures that we don’t continue until a valid choice is made.

Can We Do Better?

The problem with the above method is that the flow control is not immediately apparent when looking at the code: It’s not obvious that the infinite loop should actually terminate in all but one case. A future developer could easily break this behavior.

In addition, the if/elif ladder becomes a bit too long to read comfortably.

The second iteration was meant to make the flow control clearer:

def revive_dead_components():
    class InvalidChoiceError(Exception): pass

    def choice_revive():    revive_components()
    def choice_quit():      raise TestCannotRunException("Dead components exist")
    def choice_continue_(): pass
    def choice_select():
        selected = show_menu("Which components would you like to revive?")
        if not selected:
  "Nothing selected...")
            raise InvalidChoiceError


    while True:
        choice = choose('"I see dead components..."\n'
            "Do you wish to (r)evive them all, (s)elect components to revive, "
            "(c)ontinue without reviving, d(i)sable reviver, or (q)uit?",
            { "r": "revive",
              "s": "select", 
              "c": "continue", 
              "Q": "quit"},
            default = "quit")
            locals().get('choice_%s' % choice)()
        except InvalidChoiceError:

We use several techniques here to improve the clarity of the code:

  • We used internal functions to encapsulate the possible actions to take. The advantage of using internal functions is that it keeps the external namespace clean, and the naming of each function makes its purpose quite clear.

  • We used a dictionary instead of the if/elif construct. Since Python doesn’t have a switch or case statement, this is a more readable replacement.

  • We decided to use an exception to signify, well, exceptional flow control: If the user hasn’t selected any components, this warrants exceptional behavior. This technique is much debated, but we felt like it was appropriate in this case.

  • The function name to be called is determined dynamically at runtime from the user’s selection. The idea was to avoid code duplication by needing to specify the names of the functions yet again (but see below).

Removing Some Coolness For Readability

My colleague pointed out that the locals().get('choice_%s' % choice)() trick is not quite readable. I agreed, and was happy to accept his improved proposal:

def revive_dead_components():

    # ...

    while True:
        choice_func = choose('"I see dead components..."\n'
            "Do you wish to (r)evive them all, (s)elect components to revive, "
            "(c)ontinue without reviving, d(i)sable reviver, or (q)uit?",
            dict(r = choice_revive,
                 s = choice_select, 
                 c = choice_continue,
                 Q = choice_quit
            default = "quit")
        except InvalidChoiceError:

This version has several advantages:

  • It doesn’t use “magic” to achieve the selection of the function. Duplication is better than magic in this case, since it makes the code more readable.

  • The dictionary is created using the dict() syntax instead of the {...} syntax, which gets rid of a lot of punctuation and makes the code clearer.


It turns out that even in such a simple piece of code, several programming techniques can be used to make the code clearer to read and maintain.

See you next time!

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